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The moon has many impacts on our presence. And the moon hides many secrets as well. It is the subject of many religions, many stories, poems and songs. It is not a myth that the moon pulls its weight on earth.

With it's prominence in the sky and its regular cycle of phases it is no wonder that since ancient times, the moon had an important cultural influence on language, the calendar, art and mythology.

Fun fact:
many ancient pagan religions and societies are orientated chronologically by the moon as opposed to the sun.

As the moon pulls on the water mass and create tides it also pulls on the magma underneath the planet's crust. It is possible that the earth's magnetic field was created by having the moon giving a direction to the flow of the magma.

The moon's orbit
Personal observation of the moon leaves us the image that the moon goes through a complete moon phases cycle in about one month. The real amount of time being actualy and exactly is 29.5305882 days. This is called the synodic period or lunation.

But if you were to view the moon cycling the earth from above our solar system, the time required is exactly 27.3217 days, about two days less. This is called the sidereal period or orbital period.

Why the difference with the 2 periods? It has to do with earth own rotation and trajectory around the sun, altering our angle of view with respect to the moon. The earth's orbital direction is such that it lengthens the period for earthbound observers.

Moon signs, astrological moon phases
The twelve Zodiac moon signs are divided into four groups: air, fire, earth and water.

Moon gods and moon deities
There are many gods, deities and other personage represented by the moon or representing the moon. Such as in greek mythology with Selene, Phoebe and Artemis representing the moon.
In Roman mythology, the moon goddess are Luna (latin for moon)and Diana
The egyptian had Isis

There are some lunar male gods as well
Nanna or Sin fo the Mesopotamians,
Mani for the Germanic tribes,
The Japanese god Tsukuyomi,
Rahko of Finns
Tecciztecatl for the Aztecs.

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