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Hells in hell hell

Hell's myth quotes and sayings. In other words demystification of hell. And Google would be part of hell? It seems everybody has had a taste of hell in their lives. And just like everything else their is always someone on the receiving end because someone else is force feeding it to them

So many fancy phrases are using the term hell that it is being difficult to differentiate what is real and what is not. People have embedded these beliefs in their mind and are therefor deprived from true freedom.

A high way to hell, meaning a fast way to get in trouble, is the same as 2 steps from hell. Without forgetting that the first step might very well be fulfilled with the following saying: hope they serve beer in hell.

But questions remains such as why hells gates if someone can be hell bound? And by who precisely, Satan himself or some other god? The duration is unclear as their is beliefs that there is a way out of hell and other peoples beliefs are that life in hell is for eternity.

Some beliefs are simply idiotic and can actually be harmful by keeping people prisoners. the road to hell is paved with good intentions Seriously this saying has surely deprived some people to dare take part of actions in good causes simply because they are scared that their good intentions will actually bring them to hell.

And truthfully, what the hell, almost everyone has at one point or an other thought that hell is on earth. With neighbors from hell some are living hell.

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Lights for the darkness and nights for the living.
Night world... Nightlife... It's a life style.
Enjoy your night not knowing what the day will rise.
Carpe Noctem

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