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Green energy, blue planet and clear water

It has been known for a while now, our planet is being transformed because of human activity. These transformations are not friendly to our delicate ecosystem. Not all life forms on earth will disappear but human may very well be on top of the list. It just make plain sense: We are on top of the food chain and anything that disturb our base will affect us.

There are solution that can help prevent dramatic changes but we have to act today. We need to take resolutions and now is the best time to make the list of what we have to change.

At this time all energy consumption results in damage to our environment.
Keep lights on for the strict minimum
Use machinery to it's fullest capacity (fill the dishwasher completely, fill the washing machine, keep a full refrigerator...)

More will come as this really matters to me

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Lights for the darkness and nights for the living.
Night world... Nightlife... It's a life style.
Enjoy your night not knowing what the day will rise.
Carpe Noctem

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