Here you can find the most basic terminology found in jiu-jitsu
Atemi ----- striking
Bushido --- way of the warrior
Dan --------- level
Dojo -------- place of practice
Eri -------- jacket collar
Gatame --- arm bar (lock)
Hadaka Jime naked strangle or choke
Hiji --------- elbow (strike)
Ippon ------- one
Jime -------- choke
Jiu-Jitsu --- gentle practice
Juji --------- cross
Katame --- grappling
Ki ----------- life energy ( vital )
Koshinage ---- Hip ThrowKumite ---- sparring
Kuzushi --- unbalancing
Kyu -------- color belt degree
Makiwara - punching board
Matae ----- stop
Matsui ----- relaxation position
Mune ------ chest
Nage ------- throwing
Ne Waza -- ground fighting techniques
Obi ---------- belt
Osae Komi-- hold down
Randori ----- free fighting (sparring)
Rei ----------- bow
Ryu ---------- method or style
Seiza ------- formal kneeling position
Sensei ----- teacher
Shime ------ choke
Tatami ----- mats
Tori ---------- defender
Ude --------- forearm
Ukemi ------ breakfalling
Uke --------- attacker (or practice partner)
Waza ------ technique
Yamae ----- stop
Yoi ---------- make ready
Yoshi ------- continue
Zazen ------ sitting meditation
Zori -------- sandals
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