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Jiu-Jitsu terminology

Here you can find the most basic terminology found in jiu-jitsu

Atemi    -----    striking
Bushido  ---      way of the warrior
Dan ---------    level
Dojo --------    place of practice
Eri    --------    jacket collar
Gatame ---       arm bar (lock)
Hadaka Jime   naked strangle or choke
Hiji  ---------     elbow (strike)
Ippon -------     one
Jime --------      choke
Jiu-Jitsu ---        gentle practice
Juji  ---------     cross
Katame ---        grappling
Ki -----------     life energy ( vital )
Koshinage ----   Hip Throw
Kumite ----        sparring
Kuzushi ---        unbalancing
Kyu  --------     color belt degree
Makiwara -       punching board
Matae -----        stop
Matsui -----       relaxation position
Mune  ------      chest
Nage -------      throwing
Ne Waza --       ground fighting techniques
Obi ----------    belt
Osae Komi--     hold down
Randori -----     free fighting (sparring)
Rei -----------   bow
Ryu ----------    method or style
Seiza -------      formal kneeling position
Sensei -----      teacher
Shime ------     choke
Tatami -----      mats
Tori ----------  defender
Ude ---------   forearm
Ukemi ------     breakfalling
Uke ---------    attacker (or practice partner)
Waza ------      technique
Yamae -----      stop
Yoi ----------    make ready
Yoshi -------     continue
Zazen ------     sitting meditation
Zori  --------    sandals

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Carpe Noctem

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