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Jiu Jitsu introduction

Introduction to Jiu-Jitsu
What? Jujitsu, Jiujitsu, Ju-Jitsu, Jiu-Jitsu and other spellings are all variation of the martial art called Jujutsu
Who? It was developed by Samurai
Where? Japan
When? In the 17th century.
Why? To defeat armed and armored opponent with small weapons or without weapons.
How? Striking, throwing, restraining and the use of some weapons.

What to expect when practicing Jiu-Jitsu

The Jujitsu that Samurai were practicing has evolved from generation to generation to adjust itself to the needs of those times. In the 20th century we rarely ear of attacks done with swords and we are not looking forward to confront entire army's. Still the objective of Jiu-Jitsu is to acquire the skills needed to defend, take control and inflict pain as needed accordingly to the situation.

Special note --- Not to be confused:
Jiu Jitsu is a style of martial art. Although it can be modified from dojo to dojo to perfect efficiency, it is not considered MMA (mixed martial art). Learning MMA consist of learning multiple martial arts as opposed to only one or angaging in a combat where different martial art styles can be confronted. There are different tournaments for MMA practitioners but they are not like the Jiu Jitsu tournaments.

Jiu Jitsu tournaments
In a Jiu Jitsu tournament there is no striking of the opponent. It could be compared to a Judo tournament where the throwing and grappling part of the martial art is used. But unlike Judo, a Jiu Jitsu fight usually last longer as the match isn't stopped after a simple throw to gain points, it requires a successful submission of the opponent.

Jiu-Jitsu popularity
To many people, Jiu-Jitsu is an unknown form of martial art. It gain a lot in popularity when Royce Graci, a Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, won at an inaugural tournament of mixed martial arts in an event called Ultimate Fighting Championship. it was created to offer answers to sport enthusiast who where asking which martial art could prevail. Karate, Judo, kick boxing, wrestling, etc ... was the best martial art. And with over 100 Ultimate Fighting Championship it has been more clear that the most rounded and diverse your styles are the better suited you

I've decide to start writing about Jiu Jitsu because this martial art is very interesting with it's diversity in it's styles and techniques. It's not based only on striking and hitting with punches and kicks! Jiu Jitsu also has throws, ground-work, grappling including joint locks and handling a variety of weapons. It is in my opinion the most rounded martial art form, where the multiple techniques have been perfected to face different situations.

My first implication in martial arts has been with Judo. What I liked the best from Judo was it's ability to test myself physically against others without the use of striking. I was about 11 years old when my mom enrolled me in that sport. I loved it, but none of my school friends were there and other things interested me more than Judo so I only did a little bit over a year of training.

Martial arts got more popular

In 1993 I saw on video the very first Ultimate Fighting Championship. An event where only 2 rules existed: No eye gouging and no biting. No weight limit no time limit and the winner in this mix martial art: Royce Gracie. I admit, at first I found this to be a bit raw but after seeing Royce Gracy give a pat on the back of Ken Shamrock at the end of the fight I could feel the respect they had for each other. And it is that respect that made me fall in love with Martial Arts and mostly Jiu-Jitsu.

Ultimate fighting championship (now known as UFC) is what got me interested in mix martial arts. And Royce Gracy, because of UFCm became my idol. It took 14 years for me to decide to start training in Jiu Jitsu.

Why Jiu Jitsu? Yes! Royce Gracy and his modified Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, but mostly

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